
We are so happy to buy two golden lamps.
We are so happy to have two light bulbs
for two golden lamps. We cannot wait

to screw them in. To tear into their packages
like ravenous children tearing open
the foil around chocolates.

We will spread the packing from the base
of the golden lamps across the floor,
the bits of plastic, the cardboard

and the tag that says how much
the golden lamps have cost.
We are proud of how much

the golden lamps have cost.
We are proud that they are alike.
The twinned beauty of the golden lamps

will come into our home tonight.
We have found our golden lamps.
We will bend their necks this way and that.

Their little jacks will fit perfectly
into the plugs in the wall, their light
will fill up the space as we have wanted it to.

The golden lamps are so hot to the touch.
The golden lamps are so hot to the touch.
The golden lamps are so hot to the touch.